Dating Apps for Like-Minded Individuals

The world of online dating has evolved significantly over the past two decades, catering to a diverse range of interests and preferences. Nowadays, with the tumultuous times we live in, new dating platforms are emerging, aiming to connect singles with like-minded individuals before the chaos ensues. Whether you’re looking to flee the country or stay and fight for your beliefs, these apps want to help you find that special someone who shares your values, keeping the chemistry alive long after election day.

Maple Match: Finding Love in Canada

Maple Match presents itself as the ultimate solution for Americans who dream of escaping the polarized political climate of the United States. This app promises to match you with the ideal Canadian partner, offering an escape from the unimaginable horror of a Trump presidency. In no time, you might find yourself referring to your former nation as “the States,” all from the safe distance of Canada.

Maple Match

Better Together: Love After Brexit

Brexit was shocking news for millions worldwide, but Better Together Dating aims to help Eurozone enthusiasts kick-start their lives and love post-Brexit. This unique dating service caters to the 48% who believe that Britain is stronger within Europe. It celebrates the diversity, joy, and love that the European continent provides, offering solace for those who suffer from “Bregret.”

Better Together

candiDate: Politics and Love

candiDate is a non-partisan dating platform that delves into your political preferences to make meaningful matches based on shared beliefs. Whether you proudly support #ImWithHer or #ImWithHim, this app helps you find someone in your local area who shares your views on crucial issues like the environment, the economy, gun reform, abortion, gay rights, and more. Created by HelpsGood, a positive-marketing group, candiDate encourages daters to register to vote and remain aware of political developments as they unfold.

Further reading:  Exciting Ideas to Celebrate Your Boyfriend's Birthday
